21 October - Short interruption zone Ghent & West-Flanders

Dear customers,

Due to recent power issues in Belgacom locations preventive maintenance works are being held. Due to a human error this preventive maintenance caused a short interruption in the power causing a interruption in traffic in region Ghent & West-Flanders. The situation is now optimal with dual powerfeeds and new UPS equipment. We apologize for the problems caused.

Start: 2014-10-21 09:50 AM
End:2014-10-21 09:54 AM
Impacted services: All edpnet services in the mentioned regions.

We apologize for the inconvenience

The edpnet team

1 comment:

  1. Ik dacht het wel, maar het heeft dan ook werkelijk niet lang geduurd.
    Na herstart van modem was alles al terug in orde.
