23 October - Packet-loss due to DDOS attacks

Dear customers,

Edpnet has experienced a massive DDOS attack on several parts on its network. This has caused a lot of its links to experience heavy packet-loss. Everything has been redirected to reduce further impact. All traffic has been normalized.

Start: 2014-10-22 22:40 PM
End: 2014-10-23 Between 07:00-08:00 PM (Towards Amsterdam & Russia)
End: 2014-10-23 08:20 PM (Traffic towards Brussels)
Impacted services: All traffic may have experienced packet-loss

(Dates have been corrected)

We apologize for the inconvenience

The edpnet team

1 comment:

  1. What timezone do you use for these reports? Here in western europe, as I'm reading you and writing this, we're 2014-10-23 10:15 (in the morning). How could it have started at 22:40 and be closed since tomorrow??
